Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Carlsen Picnic

Last Sunday was the annual Carlsen Picnic out at Hood Canal. There had to be at least 50 of us there, I should have counted. The kids inner-tubed, kayaked, swam, swung, etc. The weather and company were perfect! As usual, I was too busy with the kids and having fun I really slacked on camera duty.

Branden, Jack, Jakob and Max tubing ("the older boys")

Daddy and his girls kayaking (you can barely see Reese in front)

Despite their faces they did LOVE it

My cousins, Jeff and Ben, tubing with their kiddos

The little kids turn to tube.....they LOVED it. Julia is a junkie now

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

You guys should have come down to our cabin to say hi!