Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Railroad Days

Last Saturday was the Snoqualmie Railroad Days Festival. This year both Julia and Reese took part in the 1K run. Jim was out of town in Ocean Shores so it was me (6 months preggers) with the two girls in the run. Julia was off and running with her friend Grace and her dad, so I stayed back with Reese. Reese made it about 1/4 to 1/2 of the way through and then said her "legs hurt". So I ended up picking her up and running the rest of the way with her in my arms. Having said all of this, you will understand why there are no action shots below of the girls running.

There was yet another parade after the run that Julia got to be in, the last one of the summer :-). She got a kick out of waving to all her friends watching.

Pre-Race: Grace and Julia being the cute and silly girls they are

Post race: Reese, Julia, Henry and Jake

Watching the parade

Julia's float coming

Julia waving at us

So happy!

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

We need to see preggo pics of you!