Thursday, September 8, 2011


I am more posting this so everyone knows why I will NOT be posting anything for the next month or so. I will try, but highly unlikely. We are moving into the apartments (a few blocks from our current house) this weekend and will be there for about 4 - 6 weeks until we get our new house. Our new house is still in the neighborhood, about 1 mile away. It is a bankruptcy house, so the process is taking a bit longer than we hoped. But we knew all of this going into it so not surprised with the length of time this is taking. We have just heard that our court date is 9/23 and typical close is 30 days after that. So we are looking to get our house in mid to late October (fingers crossed)!

While at the apartments we are going to go really old school. No TV and no Internet (except our phones). The biggest bottom floor unit they had was a 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Things should get interesting.............

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