Monday, June 14, 2010

Julia's Birthday Part 2

Birthday party at Little Gym on Saturday. Julia loved it there and all the kids had such a great time :-). We had a pizza party at our house with Jim's family after and all the cousins got to run around even more and play! No wonder Julia cried hysterically for 1 hour that night, total over-stimulation and exhaustion..........but totally worth it! Did I mention one of her best buddies, Logan, had his birthday party that morning?! What a day!

Sweet cousins, Solana and Reese (4 days apart in age)
Are this many kids supposed to be on the bar at once?
All that gymnastics works up an appetite
Princess Castle Cake, handmade by mom and Julia

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

I love the pic of all the kids on the bar. Cool cake too!