Thursday, January 27, 2011


Julia started up ballet again earlier in the month. She has been begging and begging so I finally gave in. It's not that I don't want her to do it, not the case at all, but sometimes I feel that we have so much going on and it is one more thing taking our time and money! But.....she loves it and I want her to have her own things......and it helps get exercise in these loooooong winter days. Each quarter they have a free dress day (kids come dresses in non-uniform attire, if they wish) and on that day it is parent observation day. Reese came with me to watch (where else would she go during the day?) and it was very hard to keep her off the stage. She cries every time we drop and pick up Julia, she wants to do it so badly. All in due time Sweet Reese.

Warming up

Stretching at the barre, Julia is in the purple tutu

More stretching.......

Teacher Katy coming to make sure everyone is doing it correctly

This way Julia

Practicing their toe points

Sorry about the sun, quite blinding. Julia practicing her leaps

Onto tap now......which Julia said was her favorite

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wyatt's Party

My nephew, Wyatt, turned 8 last week and we went to his bowling party yesterday. Julia has found a new favorite sport. Good thing we have a bowling alley in downtown Snoqualmie :-).

Getting ready to bowl

And she is off (I think it took no less than 30 seconds to make its way down the lane......)

Still watching.......

Happy Birthday Wyatt!

Cake time

Monday, January 10, 2011

Girl's Weekend: Seabrook, WA

Well I finally did it, I left my girls for more than 1 hour. It only took a few years but I did it. One of the girls in my bunco group, her dad owns a place out at Seabrook. So she was kind enough to let us all stay there for the weekend (Fri - Sun)! Beautiful place, beautiful weather (cold though) and lots of food, drinks, bunco and laughter. I did not bring my camera, doh, but stole some pictures from another gal......

In case any of you were wondering, Jim and the kids had a great time and the girls did awesome! Julia loved dad's "cooking". They ate pizza twice and Julia told my neighbor, "Did you know they serve breakfast at McDonalds?!?!"

Our accommodations for the weekend


the beach

Some of the girls (I am second from left)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Jim!

12/27 was Jim's birthday. The girls and I baked him a cake and the girls decorated it. Jim and I went out a few days later just the two of us :-). Date night is very few and far between........

So careful

So happy!

Finished product

Happy Birthday Jim, we LOVE you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Testing out Santa's Gifts

The day after Christmas we tested out Santa's new toys. Too bad it was FREEZING cold and the girls were miserable. Notice Reese has Jim's hat, she looks like a true biker. Now we just have to wait until spring to actually use these ;-).

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas day and evening...

After my mom's we head down to Olympia to spend the rest of the day and evening with Jim's family. All the cousins were there and they were so excited to see each other and play. Another wonderful evening spent with family.

Julia, Arundhati and Reese

About to open presents.......

Dinner time!

Christmas Morning........

Christmas morning was so fun this year! Julia totally gets it, and Reese is just starting to. The best part of all, there was no wining over who got what present and Julia thanked us repeatedly without being asked to :-). After opening presents at our house we headed off to my mom's. There we have an amazing breakfast followed by more presents! Man, these kids are spoiled!

Checking to see if Santa and the reindeer ate their snacks

they did, they did!

Opening Santa's gift, roller skates!

Reese's gift from Santa, a balance bike

Opening stockings.......thank goodness Santa gave them the same of everything, smart guy ;-)

Julia testing out her roller skates

Whoops! My bruiser, she is totally laughing after wiping out.

Now Reese's turn

Nana and Bruce's house

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent at my dad and Nancy's house. Always a fun time!!!!

The kids start the night out caroling

Adult dinner table, picture 1 of 2

Adult dinner table, picture 2 of 2

Kids dinner table, picture 1 of 2

Kids dinner table, picture 2 of 2


Reese opening her loot with the help of cousin Kate

Julia opening her loot

All the cousins wrestling with Uncle Jim

Jim and Ken

Baking with Mom

I had to make 4 pie's for Christmas this year (among other things;-)). So I recruited some help!

Bellevue Botanical Gardens

Not sure why I am even posting these pictures as none of them turned out well but it was a fun night anyway! Man, I have been a bit busy with the holidays, Jim's birthday and New Years......these pictures go back a ways (this was a week or so before Christmas).

Julia, Reese, Ellie and Cameron

Reese and her hat head

I don't think we will ever get a good family picture!

Pretty lights