Thursday, January 27, 2011


Julia started up ballet again earlier in the month. She has been begging and begging so I finally gave in. It's not that I don't want her to do it, not the case at all, but sometimes I feel that we have so much going on and it is one more thing taking our time and money! But.....she loves it and I want her to have her own things......and it helps get exercise in these loooooong winter days. Each quarter they have a free dress day (kids come dresses in non-uniform attire, if they wish) and on that day it is parent observation day. Reese came with me to watch (where else would she go during the day?) and it was very hard to keep her off the stage. She cries every time we drop and pick up Julia, she wants to do it so badly. All in due time Sweet Reese.

Warming up

Stretching at the barre, Julia is in the purple tutu

More stretching.......

Teacher Katy coming to make sure everyone is doing it correctly

This way Julia

Practicing their toe points

Sorry about the sun, quite blinding. Julia practicing her leaps

Onto tap now......which Julia said was her favorite

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

That looks so fun. Harper didn't like ballet when she took it, but now talks about it all the time, so we might be going back.