Monday, January 10, 2011

Girl's Weekend: Seabrook, WA

Well I finally did it, I left my girls for more than 1 hour. It only took a few years but I did it. One of the girls in my bunco group, her dad owns a place out at Seabrook. So she was kind enough to let us all stay there for the weekend (Fri - Sun)! Beautiful place, beautiful weather (cold though) and lots of food, drinks, bunco and laughter. I did not bring my camera, doh, but stole some pictures from another gal......

In case any of you were wondering, Jim and the kids had a great time and the girls did awesome! Julia loved dad's "cooking". They ate pizza twice and Julia told my neighbor, "Did you know they serve breakfast at McDonalds?!?!"

Our accommodations for the weekend


the beach

Some of the girls (I am second from left)

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

Please tell me this wasn't your first overnight away from the girls! I love the McDonalds comment