Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Morning........

Christmas morning was so fun this year! Julia totally gets it, and Reese is just starting to. The best part of all, there was no wining over who got what present and Julia thanked us repeatedly without being asked to :-). After opening presents at our house we headed off to my mom's. There we have an amazing breakfast followed by more presents! Man, these kids are spoiled!

Checking to see if Santa and the reindeer ate their snacks

they did, they did!

Opening Santa's gift, roller skates!

Reese's gift from Santa, a balance bike

Opening stockings.......thank goodness Santa gave them the same of everything, smart guy ;-)

Julia testing out her roller skates

Whoops! My bruiser, she is totally laughing after wiping out.

Now Reese's turn

Nana and Bruce's house

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

I forgot to do the cookies this year. I will have to do it next year with Harper!