Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Sunday

Easter morning was spent with an Easter Egg Hunt at our house and then we headed over to my dad and Nancy's around 11:30 for another hunt and lunch. The girls had a blast finding eggs and spending time with their cousins!

Julia left a note and carrots for the Easter Bunny

Reese finding eggs

Julia loading her basket....

Reese really was happy, weird face (and hair) for the camera!

They liked the crackers that the Easter Bunny left best of all!

"Little" Kid egg hunt at Nana and Opas (Reese was NOT happy in the rain)

Brady and Julia

Reese finding her fare share

The big kids turn to find eggs


Mya, Ellie and Julia

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Snoqualmie Easter Egg Hunt

Each year Snoqualmie hosts an Easter Egg Hunt for the little kiddos. It's over in about 9.2 seconds but the kids still enjoy it so much! They get to see all their buddies, see the Easter Bunny and best of all, get candy!!!!

We immediately found some buddies upon arrival

Walking to the best spot for the best eggs ;-)

Waiting for the official "go"

Daddy helping Reese

Julia and her friends

Daddy and his girls

Look how many I got Mommy!

Jayden and Julia

What is this?!?! The moms got in a picture!!!! 4 of the 6 still remaining Peps Moms....

Easter Egg Decorating

I was so excited because this year was Reese's first year decorating eggs! I went out on a limb and bought a "candy apple" coloring kit. The colors are more vibrant and shiny (says the box). I did not realize at the time the it was not a dye, but it is a paint on. That is what I get for always being in a hurry everywhere I go.....but in the end, I think the kids had more fun painting the eggs than actually dying them. So I guess I "won" this time around. The girls had so much fun and decorated their eggs for about an hour....which is a long time with a 2 and 4 year old!

Dad came home just in time for the final picture!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lucy Loves the Girls

Not a fun post, but I always find it so cute how much Lucy loves her girls and how much they love her! Lucy always tucks herself behind one of the girls while they are playing.......don't mind Reese's bed head hair in these pictures! Typical playtime at our house...............

Walls Hurt

Last Saturday night (4/9/11) the girls were running around the house naked before bath time. Julia took a corner too fast and wound up running straight into the wall. Jim ran over to her and immediately noticed that her big toe on her left foot was not as it should be. It was pointing outwards, a lot. So we called the on call pediatrician and they advised up to go to urgent care. So I stayed back with Reese and Jim took Julia to urgent care in Issaquah. The taped up her toe and wrapped her foot and from the X-rays they determined that Julia fractured her toe. So that following Monday we went to Children's hospital to get fitted for a boot that Julia now has to wear for 4 weeks! She can't swim, run, swing, play at the playground (although I have been breaking this rule a bit), kick a ball, etc for 4 weeks. For anyone that knows Julia well knows that this is not going to be an easy 4 weeks. But she is getting around well with the boot and so far there has not been a huge amount of complaining. Only 3 weeks and 1 day left! Wish us luck!
Julia and Reese in their usual random outfits around the house

My little trooper!

Everett Children's Museum

Two weeks ago now it was Spring Break....yes, I know I am slow at updating the blog! Anyway, one day we went up to the Everett Children's Museum with some friends. Love this place....worth the drive!
Andrew in the silly mirror

The girls on "stage"

Barber Shop

All 4 kids watching the train set

Drew and his tractor

Julia milking the cow

I promise Julia does love this place, despite her bored look

Reese is a very serious rider

Reese's turn to milk the cow.......

Firefighter Drew

Water wars

Rooftop playground

My future mountain climber

Sisters on the slides!


Friday, April 1, 2011

San Diego - Legoland

I think the favorite park amongst the girls was Legoland, while mine was Sea World. But I guess rides and all do win out with a 4 and 2 year old :-). We had a great time at Legoland, but at the same time it was a bit frustrating. Granted Reese was free to get in (same goes for all the parks!!!) but she could not ride a lot of the rides and the wait for the rides were long. But having said all of this, it was still a great time and Reese still managed to have fun ;-). The geek in me really enjoyed looking at everything made out of Lego's, it was amazing as to what they could build and how well they made it look!

Lets get started!

Smiles all day long............

Sleeping Beauty (fairy tale ride)

Jack and the Beanstalk (fairy tale ride)

Squirting the animals

Julia was eaten by a lion!

Train ride

Julia and Reese in the caboose

This ride was pretty cool. You had to "pull" yourself up by the rope and then let go and you would drop to the bottom and do it all over again.

Julia got her drivers license.

Reese driving the firetruck.

Airplane ride

Airplane ride, really...she did have fun!

Save me!

Miniland.......Las Vegas


Miniland.........New York

Jim and Julia had fun squirting everyone and people on the ground could squirt them also. They came out very wet!