Friday, April 1, 2011

San Diego - Zoo

You can't go to San Diego without visiting the zoo, right? The zoo was huge! We walked so many miles at all of the places we went, but I think the most mileage was done at the zoo. I don't think that I mentioned earlier that Reese only wanted to be in the ergo. So I pretty much had her on me at every park we went to. I think with the crowds and the newness of everything she was ultra timid and felt best clung to me. I got my workout each day :-).
Me and my koala baby (I have been calling her this for years now, so she enjoyed seeing a koala in real life and she kept saying "Reese"). Koala's sleeping in the trees behind us.

Sleeping Koalas

Hippos. Kind of fuzzy as a lot of these pic's were taken from behind glass


Vulture eating a rabbit!

Camel, who was taking about a 3 minute long pee in front of us

Yes, we are the tourists who get their faces painted!

Monkey, letting his junk hang out for the crowd

Petting zoo

Panda Bear, sleeping in his own feces, yum!

My cuties!

We saw Kate and Jack at the zoo also! This was in the polar zone

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