Monday, April 18, 2011

Everett Children's Museum

Two weeks ago now it was Spring Break....yes, I know I am slow at updating the blog! Anyway, one day we went up to the Everett Children's Museum with some friends. Love this place....worth the drive!
Andrew in the silly mirror

The girls on "stage"

Barber Shop

All 4 kids watching the train set

Drew and his tractor

Julia milking the cow

I promise Julia does love this place, despite her bored look

Reese is a very serious rider

Reese's turn to milk the cow.......

Firefighter Drew

Water wars

Rooftop playground

My future mountain climber

Sisters on the slides!


1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

It is an awesome museum. I always compare Tacoma's to it and our's sucks in comparison