Monday, April 18, 2011

Walls Hurt

Last Saturday night (4/9/11) the girls were running around the house naked before bath time. Julia took a corner too fast and wound up running straight into the wall. Jim ran over to her and immediately noticed that her big toe on her left foot was not as it should be. It was pointing outwards, a lot. So we called the on call pediatrician and they advised up to go to urgent care. So I stayed back with Reese and Jim took Julia to urgent care in Issaquah. The taped up her toe and wrapped her foot and from the X-rays they determined that Julia fractured her toe. So that following Monday we went to Children's hospital to get fitted for a boot that Julia now has to wear for 4 weeks! She can't swim, run, swing, play at the playground (although I have been breaking this rule a bit), kick a ball, etc for 4 weeks. For anyone that knows Julia well knows that this is not going to be an easy 4 weeks. But she is getting around well with the boot and so far there has not been a huge amount of complaining. Only 3 weeks and 1 day left! Wish us luck!
Julia and Reese in their usual random outfits around the house

My little trooper!

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

Oh my! It was hard when H had that cast. Julia looks like she isn't in too much pain though. That's great!