Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Boot is Off!

Last Tuesday we went to get new X-rays of Julia's toe and low and behold they told us it looked awesome and she does not have to wear her boot anymore! He then asked me if I brought her left shoe.....which of coarse I did not. It never occurred to me to bring it. So poor Julia had to wear her boot out of Children's Hospital and all the way home. So excited to get the boot off, but still had to wear it. What is 1 more hour, right? She has resumed her activities and last night was her first night of swimming. I was a little afraid she would struggle with taking over a month off, but she did great! She cried her eyes out beforehand because she was afraid but after some coaxing I got her in the pool and she did awesome. First thing she said when she got out was, "I want to go swimming every night!". Relief!

And yes, my daughter does dress herself, all day, every day. I hope you all know I would never put this together, especially with the socks :-).

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