Tuesday, May 3, 2011

PEPS Kids Turn 5!!

About 5 years ago I met some pretty amazing women and their sweet little babies. As luck would have it we still meet once a week and see each other usually more often than that between preschool, parks, and parties. A lot has changed in the last five years, but it has been so nice to experience all that change (both good and bad) with some really good friends. Each year we get together with the original PEPS kids and celebrate their birthdays. The kids were born from March - June (Julia the only in June, being the youngest). This year we went to Sleeping Beauty at the Kirkland Arts Performance Center.

Jayden, Julia and Kayla

Waiting for the play to start

Cupcake Time!

All the kids enjoying their cupcakes

Duck, Duck, Goose

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

Don't you feel so lucky to have that support system? I am so grateful for my mommy group. Couldn't have done it without them!