Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lake Tahoe 2011

Last week was the annual Moore family reunion (step-moms side of the family). The last two years this reunion has been in Sunriver, OR and before that it was always Minnesota. This year it changed to Lake Tahoe, CA. Not sure who of you have ever been to Lake Tahoe, but it is an absolutely beautiful place! The weather was perfect, low 80's during the day and cool at night to keep the humidity and strong heat away. There were beautiful beaches and scenery as you are nestled right up at 6,000 feet in the mountains. I know my pictures won't do it justice, but the scenery was amazing. It was so nice to see family again and get to hang out for a week and let the kids hang out with their cousins and 2nd cousins. Such a wonderful time! There are a lot of fabulous hiking and biking trails around Lake Tahoe, but having two young kids those were pretty much out for us, so we spent our days at the pool and lake and nights hanging out with family.

Uncle Ken with 2 of his 4, Mya and Brady

Some of the crew hanging out by the hot tub

Uncle Turner throwing Julia in the pool

Cameron and Opa

Wyatt, Brady and Cameron

All the cousins in the pool with Uncle Turner


Tye-Dye Shirt Time

Mom and Reese

Kids playing after dinner

The Stanley's paddle boating

Jack, Max and Jakob

Dirty cousins

Puzzle time after dinner with Uncle Bob

Jim and Danny relaxing

Gondola ride up the mountain.....The Holliways

Gondola Ride

Partway up the mountain

Julia doing a flip on the jumper

Julia going high!

Reese LOVED this thing and cried for ten minutes after she got off

Reese is my dare-devil!

Roller skating! Yes, Danny is a pro....

Hanging in the cabana before making s'mores

The crew roller skating

Julia got really good her second time roller skating (we went two nights)

Brady and Jordan

Reese and Daddy

Family photo night, I only have the Carlsen's right now, not the whole Moore family

Stanley's. Reese was not into photos this night :-)

Julia being Julia.............

All of us sprawled out at the beach

Uncle Turner and Branden on the wave runner

Uncle Turner and Jakob

Aunt Shannon, Cameron and Ellie

Dad and Julia. I was back at the beach with a napping Reese...no ride for me :-(

Look at that scenery!!

Reese showing her grill

Reese swimming with Kate and Nana

On the way back to the airport we cruised though San Francisco.


Sea Lions, the girls loved them!

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

That looks like a lot of fun. I haven't spent a lot of time there, but J's family talked about doing a reunion there next year.