Friday, March 5, 2010

1 year ago..................

Crazy to think that 1 year ago today I did not even "know" Reese, let alone know if the baby in my belly was a boy or a girl! My oh my how our lives were about to change. Words cannot even begin to describe what Reese has brought to our lives this past year. Of coarse we feel the same way about Julia, but since this is Reese's b-day weekend, I thought I would just focus on Reese here for once ;-).

I get so emotional around my kid's birthdays, especially the big "1". Sunday is Reese's first birthday. I just cannot believe how fast the past year has gone. It makes me so sad because I hope that I soaked all in that I could. There are so many firsts......first smile, first tooth, sitting up, crawling, first word, etc, etc....everything is new to them all the time. I love watching the world through their eyes. Just the other day I went on a walk with Reese while Julia was at preschool and so this time I could actually talk with Reese and point everything out, and it was so neat to see it all again. She was fascinated by the birds, trucks, children at the playground......just reminds me to slow down at take it all in, just as they do. See, get very emotional around birthdays! I think that I am hands down the luckiest mama in the world (I know we all think that, as we should)!
Happy Birthday Reesie, we love you way, way more than you know..........

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

I am sure it goes by so much faster with baby #2 since you have the both of them to watch after!