Friday, March 26, 2010

Market Fair

I don't think I have ever mentioned how much I LOVE Julia's preschool. I cannot say enough about the school, the teachers, etc, etc. We lucked out in so many ways with getting into this school. Julia is a little sad when it is a non-school day. When it is a school day she comes home telling me all about the topic of the month (solar system, dinosaurs, human body and so on). Today they had a Market Fair that the teachers put on (with some volunteers). Julia just had the best time going around to all the different booths and learning something new at each one. Just too cute and something all the kids enjoyed.

Egg dying (put a leaf on the egg, wrapped with pantyhose, set in hot water and out comes an imprint of the leaf on the egg)

Basket weaving
Pony rides

Pony kisses

candle making

petting zoo, baby chick

firefighter coat

firefighter hat

Music class

paper airplanes, decorating and then flying practice

bracelet making

face painting

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

Wow, I want to go to that preschool. It looks AWESOME! You are setting some high standards for what I need to find for Harper one day!