Monday, March 15, 2010

Birthday Time

To celebrate the 4th birthday's in my mom's group we all decided to go to a play with our oldest. While Julia is still a ways from her 4th b-day most of the kids have their b-day in March. We went to Goldilocks and the Three Bears at Redmond Town Center and to Pinkalicious for cupcakes afterwards. What a wonderful, wonderful day! Julia and I have not had much mommy/daughter alone time in the past year so for me it was really, really special to spend this time with her. It was a hit, Julia loved the play, the cupcake and hanging with her very special friends.

The whole gang, Julia really needs a pair of spanx to wear with dresses ;-)

The carpool crew, Conner, Julia and Kayla

Meeting the crew afterwards, Mama Bear

Goldilocks older sister, Mary Elizabeth

Papa Bear, trying to give knuckles

The gang (minus Meg) and Baby Bear

Holding hands on the way to cupcakes, just too cute!

Cupcake time!

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