Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Big Girl Bed

Our "baby" is growing up! It was about time Reese got a bed, since we will need the crib in 4 weeks! Reese loves her new bed and even picked out her own bedding.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Moving Update

First off, I finally buckled two weeks ago and got Internet at the apartment. I could not take it any longer! Now that I do have my computer back I can actually start posting again, when I get a chance that is!

We are still in the apartment, but aiming to move by the end of November, at the latest!!! We moved out of our old house in early September and had our hearts set on a particular house in the neighborhood. The house was in bankruptcy, so the process of getting the house was neither short nor easy, hence why we moved to the apartments while we waited. We were under the impression that we would get the house, just in late October. As time went on it was clear that the bank was not going to accept our offer, which we were told they would, and that the bank was most likely going to buy the house back and list it themselves (at a price we did not want to pay given that the current occupant has damaged that house, a lot). Anyway, we started looking around again and found nothing that we liked as much. Then last weekend we went through a house down the street from our old house and fell in love! It was even better that they just had a huge price drop also. We have mutual acceptance on price and just had the inspection. Nothing major came up so we are very confident that what is "wrong" will get worked out between us and the current owner. We are pushing for a fast close, aiming to move Thanksgiving weekend, but may be a week later, just depends on how fast our lender can close and how fast the current occupants can move out (there is a "house manager" there, the owners have already moved out of state).

What will come first, move date or baby's birthday?!?!?!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from our Pirate and Fairy..............

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I am more posting this so everyone knows why I will NOT be posting anything for the next month or so. I will try, but highly unlikely. We are moving into the apartments (a few blocks from our current house) this weekend and will be there for about 4 - 6 weeks until we get our new house. Our new house is still in the neighborhood, about 1 mile away. It is a bankruptcy house, so the process is taking a bit longer than we hoped. But we knew all of this going into it so not surprised with the length of time this is taking. We have just heard that our court date is 9/23 and typical close is 30 days after that. So we are looking to get our house in mid to late October (fingers crossed)!

While at the apartments we are going to go really old school. No TV and no Internet (except our phones). The biggest bottom floor unit they had was a 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Things should get interesting.............

Friday, September 2, 2011


This morning Julia started was weird just to type that. My baby is growing up. I admit it, I cried. I was so proud of her and so sad to see her go at the same time. She was so excited for school and she keeps telling me that math was what she was most excited for. She is going to do so well, meet lifelong friends and continue to grow into the wonderful and amazing girl she already is. Julia, we love you so much and could not be more proud of you. You are going to do amazing things.............

Skipping to school!

Proud dad and his big girl!

Not the best family shot, but the only one taken this morning so it will have to do

Julia is the one with the Hello Kitty backpack

One last smile goodbye, this is when I cried!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Soccer Season

Julia started soccer about two weeks ago and is loving it! She will soon get her own jersey and compete in "games", she is very excited about all of that. And if you are wondering about the socks in the pictures, yes they are pulled very high. Julia said she needs to protect her legs because the grass hurts when she falls. I can vouch for her, that grass is dead and scratchy!

My little athlete

Warming Up

Playing with one of the younger siblings

I think the girls are comparing lost teeth

All the kids huddle around one ball, it is pretty cute!

Julia's Cheerleader

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Carlsen Picnic

Last Sunday was the annual Carlsen Picnic out at Hood Canal. There had to be at least 50 of us there, I should have counted. The kids inner-tubed, kayaked, swam, swung, etc. The weather and company were perfect! As usual, I was too busy with the kids and having fun I really slacked on camera duty.

Branden, Jack, Jakob and Max tubing ("the older boys")

Daddy and his girls kayaking (you can barely see Reese in front)

Despite their faces they did LOVE it

My cousins, Jeff and Ben, tubing with their kiddos

The little kids turn to tube.....they LOVED it. Julia is a junkie now

Railroad Days

Last Saturday was the Snoqualmie Railroad Days Festival. This year both Julia and Reese took part in the 1K run. Jim was out of town in Ocean Shores so it was me (6 months preggers) with the two girls in the run. Julia was off and running with her friend Grace and her dad, so I stayed back with Reese. Reese made it about 1/4 to 1/2 of the way through and then said her "legs hurt". So I ended up picking her up and running the rest of the way with her in my arms. Having said all of this, you will understand why there are no action shots below of the girls running.

There was yet another parade after the run that Julia got to be in, the last one of the summer :-). She got a kick out of waving to all her friends watching.

Pre-Race: Grace and Julia being the cute and silly girls they are

Post race: Reese, Julia, Henry and Jake

Watching the parade

Julia's float coming

Julia waving at us

So happy!

Remlinger Farms

Last week we took our annual summer Remlinger Farms trip. Some of the moms from PEPS were able to make it :-). The kids had a blast and Reese was a little dare devil with all the rides! It was so nice to have her be able to do ALL the rides without mom, thanks Julia for being mommy's helper!!!!

Waiting for the roller coaster

Reese and Julia laughing all the way...

Waiting for the train ride

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mt Si Festival

Julia was in an "I Love a Parade Camp" last week at Encompass. As part of the camp she got to be on the Encompass float at the parade for the Mt Si Festival. Encompass is a local preschool; which Julia does not attend, but just happened to go to a week long camp there. Anyway, that is getting off track ;-). She LOVED being in the parade and getting to do the cheer and wave at all the spectators.

Before the parade....

The Helman's. Their daughter, Kayla, was also in the camp

Their float coming.

Julia's float, she was on the other side!

Jim and Reese running after Julia to say hi

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lake Tahoe 2011

Last week was the annual Moore family reunion (step-moms side of the family). The last two years this reunion has been in Sunriver, OR and before that it was always Minnesota. This year it changed to Lake Tahoe, CA. Not sure who of you have ever been to Lake Tahoe, but it is an absolutely beautiful place! The weather was perfect, low 80's during the day and cool at night to keep the humidity and strong heat away. There were beautiful beaches and scenery as you are nestled right up at 6,000 feet in the mountains. I know my pictures won't do it justice, but the scenery was amazing. It was so nice to see family again and get to hang out for a week and let the kids hang out with their cousins and 2nd cousins. Such a wonderful time! There are a lot of fabulous hiking and biking trails around Lake Tahoe, but having two young kids those were pretty much out for us, so we spent our days at the pool and lake and nights hanging out with family.

Uncle Ken with 2 of his 4, Mya and Brady

Some of the crew hanging out by the hot tub

Uncle Turner throwing Julia in the pool

Cameron and Opa

Wyatt, Brady and Cameron

All the cousins in the pool with Uncle Turner


Tye-Dye Shirt Time

Mom and Reese

Kids playing after dinner

The Stanley's paddle boating

Jack, Max and Jakob

Dirty cousins

Puzzle time after dinner with Uncle Bob

Jim and Danny relaxing

Gondola ride up the mountain.....The Holliways

Gondola Ride

Partway up the mountain

Julia doing a flip on the jumper

Julia going high!

Reese LOVED this thing and cried for ten minutes after she got off

Reese is my dare-devil!

Roller skating! Yes, Danny is a pro....

Hanging in the cabana before making s'mores

The crew roller skating

Julia got really good her second time roller skating (we went two nights)

Brady and Jordan

Reese and Daddy

Family photo night, I only have the Carlsen's right now, not the whole Moore family

Stanley's. Reese was not into photos this night :-)

Julia being Julia.............

All of us sprawled out at the beach

Uncle Turner and Branden on the wave runner

Uncle Turner and Jakob

Aunt Shannon, Cameron and Ellie

Dad and Julia. I was back at the beach with a napping ride for me :-(

Look at that scenery!!

Reese showing her grill

Reese swimming with Kate and Nana

On the way back to the airport we cruised though San Francisco.


Sea Lions, the girls loved them!