Thursday, March 31, 2011

San Diego - Lovejoy Wedding

Saturday night in San Diego we attended my cousin Jesse's wedding. He married his longtime girlfriend, Stephanie. It was such a beautiful wedding, they said their own vows, got married in a was all around a beautiful wedding for a beautiful couple. I however failed to get good pictures from the night. When we got there the girls had to take pictures with the wedding party and photographer so I couldn't sneak in and get any. Then after that I was on kids duty watching my two girls and the ring bearer and trying to get them ready to walk down the aisle. This whole time I was too busy to take out my camera, let alone remember where it was ;-). Anyway, I will get better pictures from the wedding once my cousin sends them I will share then.
Kate, Eli (ring bearer) and Julia

Aunt Sally (mother of the groom) and Nana Nancy (sisters, if you could not tell)

Opa and Nana Nancy

Reese showing her stuff on the dance floor

Still showing her stuff on the dance floor

All of us showing our stuff on the dance floor, did I mention it was a fun wedding?

Reese and Eli dancing (my cousin, a photographer, took this one)

My cousin also took this one...Kate, Eli and Julia toasting the bride and groom

I promise that is cider

Why does Jim always make goofy faces?!?!

San Diego - Sea World

Last week we ventured to San Diego for my cousin's wedding. We decided to turn it into a family vacation, since we have never been on a vacation with just the four of us! We had a blast.....we were busy every minute we were gone, but the girls did amazing! They were both in the wedding as flower girls and they loved being in pretty dresses and both walked down the aisle, I had my doubts about Reese. We hit Sea World, San Diego Zoo and Legoland.....all while attending the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, wedding and getting some swimming and parks in also! No wonder I can't keep my eyes open right now. I will post each day separate as there are too many pictures :-).
Our Shamu ponchos! It rained, hard, the first hour at Sea World and then turned into a beautiful day! That was the only rain we saw the entire trip.

Sea Lions

More sea lions, we went to a sea lion show also and it was really, really cute!

Waiting for the sea lion show to start

There are Sesame Street rides at Sea World too!


Starfish, notice it is sunny now and Julia is still in her Shamu poncho ;-)

More Turtles

Dolphin Show, could not get a good shot

Polar Bear

Julia and Reese watching the walrus'

Reese and the beluga whale

Shamu Show

Monday, March 21, 2011

American Girl Fashion Show

Yesterday my niece, Ellie, participated in the American Girl Fashion show, third year in a row! The event is to raise money for Seattle Children's Hospital. Not only does she get to walk on stage and model some clothes with her doll, but she also must raise money for the hospital. Ellie sold headbands this year for young girls and matching ones for their dolls. Ellie raised $500!!!! I am so proud of my beautiful, caring, amazing niece. Not only was it so fun to see Ellie onstage strutting her stuff but Julia and I got a special date :-). LOVED every minute of it!

Julia and her doll (Ellie loaned her one for the show)

Me and my favorite 4-year old!

Julia's friend Grace went also, not with us, but they only ended up sitting a few tables away :-)

Ellie after the show, she did so well!

Ellie and Julia

Ellie and her proud Mommy!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Saturday morning was our neighborhood St. Patty's Day Dash. We signed both girls up for the 1k race. It was cold outside but the girls had fun anyway. Reese warmed up so much at home and at the race that Jim ended up carrying her the whole way, but Julia ran the whole way again :-).

Warming up

Reese was so excited to be a part of things

Julia and her buddies, Grace and Logan

Julia and Grace

All the troops coming towards the finish line

We finished!

Charlie, Grace and Julia

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reese's Birthday

Reese's actual birthday was a pretty normal day, with a few fun things happening. We took Julia to preschool as normal and then Reese and I ran errands, sorry Reese! When we got home from preschool Nana came over and helped up celebrate the big day with presents and cupcakes. After Reese's nap we went to PEPS (moms group) and she got to play with her buddies. Then the four of us went to Red Robin for dinner, came home and opened presents from mom and dad. A fun day and Reese was smiling the whole way through!!!!

Cupcakes from Nana

Make a Wish

Dinner at the Bird

Watching them sing

Opening presents

Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Reese!

Today, March 7th, is Reese's 2nd Birthday! My how time flies. I know everyone says that, but honestly, these last two years have gone by so fast. I remember her birth just like it was yesterday. We did not know we were having a girl, and I always thought I was having a boy, my whole pregnancy. Then as we were driving to the hospital I just knew I would have a baby girl. Not sure why I changed my mind.....a few hours later I was holding our sweet Reese in my arms. I am tearing up right now just thinking about it and how special it was. She has brought so much joy to our lives and it is so neat to see Julia grow into such an amazing big sister. Reese is goofy, funny, sensitive, smart and determined as all get out. She is not talking a whole lot yet, she is starting to use her words a whole lot more and she understands everything! She is really good at charades, since she doesn't say much she acts everything out to get her point across, and we always understand what she wants. Julia is always doing the talking for her so why would Reese have to, right? Reese is almost fully potty trained, crazy that she is two today and has been wearing underwear for a few weeks. Can't say underwear but she is in them ;-).

We had her gymnastics party on Saturday, below are a few pictures from the fun day. We love you more than you ever could know Julia, Mommy and Daddy!

Frosting cupcakes


Happy Birthday Sweet Reese!

Everyone bouncing and having fun!

Balance Beam


Look at those curls bounce!
Singing time (yes, I am licking frosting off my hands, caught in the act!)

In cupcake heaven