Monday, March 21, 2011

American Girl Fashion Show

Yesterday my niece, Ellie, participated in the American Girl Fashion show, third year in a row! The event is to raise money for Seattle Children's Hospital. Not only does she get to walk on stage and model some clothes with her doll, but she also must raise money for the hospital. Ellie sold headbands this year for young girls and matching ones for their dolls. Ellie raised $500!!!! I am so proud of my beautiful, caring, amazing niece. Not only was it so fun to see Ellie onstage strutting her stuff but Julia and I got a special date :-). LOVED every minute of it!

Julia and her doll (Ellie loaned her one for the show)

Me and my favorite 4-year old!

Julia's friend Grace went also, not with us, but they only ended up sitting a few tables away :-)

Ellie after the show, she did so well!

Ellie and Julia

Ellie and her proud Mommy!

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

that is so cool that she made all that money selling headbands.