Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Reese!

Today, March 7th, is Reese's 2nd Birthday! My how time flies. I know everyone says that, but honestly, these last two years have gone by so fast. I remember her birth just like it was yesterday. We did not know we were having a girl, and I always thought I was having a boy, my whole pregnancy. Then as we were driving to the hospital I just knew I would have a baby girl. Not sure why I changed my mind.....a few hours later I was holding our sweet Reese in my arms. I am tearing up right now just thinking about it and how special it was. She has brought so much joy to our lives and it is so neat to see Julia grow into such an amazing big sister. Reese is goofy, funny, sensitive, smart and determined as all get out. She is not talking a whole lot yet, she is starting to use her words a whole lot more and she understands everything! She is really good at charades, since she doesn't say much she acts everything out to get her point across, and we always understand what she wants. Julia is always doing the talking for her so why would Reese have to, right? Reese is almost fully potty trained, crazy that she is two today and has been wearing underwear for a few weeks. Can't say underwear but she is in them ;-).

We had her gymnastics party on Saturday, below are a few pictures from the fun day. We love you more than you ever could know Julia, Mommy and Daddy!

Frosting cupcakes


Happy Birthday Sweet Reese!

Everyone bouncing and having fun!

Balance Beam


Look at those curls bounce!
Singing time (yes, I am licking frosting off my hands, caught in the act!)

In cupcake heaven

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

She is potty trained!!! Harper is 7 months older and isn't! Yikes.