Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Julia's Dance Recital

Saturday was Julia's big dance recital. She was so excited to dress in her pretty tutu and wear "make-up". She did a great job and had the biggest smile of the bunch! Reese was so envious. She sat so still the whole time on my mom's lap and watched all the dances, clapped at the end of each one and had a beaming smile. Seems like someone is ready for baby-ballet!

Rehearsal Night

Waiting to rehearse

Rehearsal (Julia is on the end with arms up)

Big Day!

Some of the cheering crowd

Shannon and Ellie

Julia was so excited after the show to see everyone and get her flowers

After a busy couple days it wears even the most hyper out!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Danny's 40th Birthday Bash

Last week was my brother-in-laws 40th birthday! Shannon threw him a surprise birthday bash on Friday night. He was very, very surprised! We went to The Parlor in Bellevue and it was a good time had by all, most of all the birthday boy!

The big surprise

he was very humbled....

Toast time by the lovebirds

Some of the fam, others were off playing pool/drinking

Shannon and Dad

Toast by my dad

Dancing time....Kim and Danny

Danny and Shannon

Friday, June 17, 2011

Preschool Birthday Circle

Monday was Julia's actual birthday and as luck would have there was preschool that day also. For each kids birthday they get to do what is called the birthday circle. They hold the earth and walk around the sun (candle) while each kid sings the birthday song (a song about 365 days, 52 weeks, 1 year....). They do it for each year and in between each year they talk about a significant event that happened that year. At 1 year old Julia talked about how she began talking (and talking, and talking and talking!!!). At 2 years old Julia talked about becoming a big sister to Reese. At 3 years old Julia talked about starting preschool and how she was scared at first but then all the fun toys and art projects make her forget about mom. At 4 years old she talked about her recent trip to San Diego. Her wish for 5......to do good cartwheels and have her "real" baby soon.

Julia's 5th Birthday Party!

Sunday was Julia's 5th birthday party (actual birthday was Monday, 6/13). She wanted her party at home and for it to be a drop-off. She is a big girl now, you know?!?! With that many kids at my house and no parents to watch them I thought that I needed reinforcements. So I hired an entertainer. She has been at countless birthday parties of my nieces and nephews, so I knew that I was getting someone great and did not have to worry. Thankfully, the weather was nice and we were able to do everything outside. Kimmie, the entertainer, painted faces, did balloon animals, dancing fun, a magic show and brought her pet rabbit, Treasure, for everyone to pet. All in all, it was a great party and the birthday girl was happy as could be!

Excited for the party to start!

Waiting for everyone to arrive.....

Face Painting

Reese had a blast!

Cute cousins, Mya and Ellie

More cute cousins, Julia and Brady

One of the magic tricks, pouring water into a cup.....

About to dump the cup on Julia's head. Julia refused......

She nominated her buddy Jake instead. No water went on his head!

Dancing fun!

Petting Treasure

The kids loved Treasure!

Julia wanted brownies, no cake!

I hope all your wishes come true sweet girl!

Sno Cones!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Preschool Graduation!

Last night was Julia's preschool graduation. I have to admit it, I am a ball of emotional energy (I know being pregnant does not help!). The past five years have absolutely flown by and now Julia will be starting Kindergarten in a little under 3 months. It is weird to think that she will not be here with me every day...well, I should not dramatize it, she is only going to be gone a little over 2.5 hours every morning ;-). We are so proud of Julia and how much she has grown over the last couple years. She has made so many friends and so have I through this wonderful preschool journey. We are so happy with the preschool that we chose. They have the most amazing teachers...who truly care about, encourage, get silly with, cuddle with and teach our children. I will miss them all next year, but Reese will be going come fall of 2012, they can't keep the Stanley's away forever!

So excited for her big night!

Julia, Jayden and Kayla (school friends and PEPS friends)

Alex and Julia. Julia LOVES to hang with the boys at school.

Kayla and Julia

Miss Wendy and Miss Kristen's graduating students

Performance (Julia is the second from the end)

Cake and juice afterwards to watch the slide show

Reese loves juice!

Dance party

Did not get a picture of it but 30 seconds later one of the curtains and the picture in the background were on the floor! Little rascals (it was mainly the younger siblings causing the "trouble").

So proud of my girl! The teachers said something nice about each graduating student. I could not be more proud of what they had to say about Julia.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Julia has been doing swimming lessons for quite some time now but we just started Reese. She is LOVING it! And Jim was kind enough to get in the water as I had no desire to get in a swimsuit in front of all those people two nights a week. I am much better on towel and clothes duty at the pool ;-). Julia is swimming the width of the pool and back all on her own. We are so proud of how far she has come. She did not even skip a beat taking time off for her fractured toe. This session she is the only one in her class so she is getting a private lesson for a fraction of the cost, can't beat that!

Daddy always has a silly face to show off for the camera

Practicing the back float

Reach and Pulls

So happy!

Julia making her way across the pool

Off she goes

Getting ready to "dive"

Off she goes....could not get a picture of it but her dive is a belly flop :-)