Friday, June 17, 2011

Preschool Birthday Circle

Monday was Julia's actual birthday and as luck would have there was preschool that day also. For each kids birthday they get to do what is called the birthday circle. They hold the earth and walk around the sun (candle) while each kid sings the birthday song (a song about 365 days, 52 weeks, 1 year....). They do it for each year and in between each year they talk about a significant event that happened that year. At 1 year old Julia talked about how she began talking (and talking, and talking and talking!!!). At 2 years old Julia talked about becoming a big sister to Reese. At 3 years old Julia talked about starting preschool and how she was scared at first but then all the fun toys and art projects make her forget about mom. At 4 years old she talked about her recent trip to San Diego. Her wish for do good cartwheels and have her "real" baby soon.

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