Friday, June 17, 2011

Julia's 5th Birthday Party!

Sunday was Julia's 5th birthday party (actual birthday was Monday, 6/13). She wanted her party at home and for it to be a drop-off. She is a big girl now, you know?!?! With that many kids at my house and no parents to watch them I thought that I needed reinforcements. So I hired an entertainer. She has been at countless birthday parties of my nieces and nephews, so I knew that I was getting someone great and did not have to worry. Thankfully, the weather was nice and we were able to do everything outside. Kimmie, the entertainer, painted faces, did balloon animals, dancing fun, a magic show and brought her pet rabbit, Treasure, for everyone to pet. All in all, it was a great party and the birthday girl was happy as could be!

Excited for the party to start!

Waiting for everyone to arrive.....

Face Painting

Reese had a blast!

Cute cousins, Mya and Ellie

More cute cousins, Julia and Brady

One of the magic tricks, pouring water into a cup.....

About to dump the cup on Julia's head. Julia refused......

She nominated her buddy Jake instead. No water went on his head!

Dancing fun!

Petting Treasure

The kids loved Treasure!

Julia wanted brownies, no cake!

I hope all your wishes come true sweet girl!

Sno Cones!

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