Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Preschool Graduation!

Last night was Julia's preschool graduation. I have to admit it, I am a ball of emotional energy (I know being pregnant does not help!). The past five years have absolutely flown by and now Julia will be starting Kindergarten in a little under 3 months. It is weird to think that she will not be here with me every day...well, I should not dramatize it, she is only going to be gone a little over 2.5 hours every morning ;-). We are so proud of Julia and how much she has grown over the last couple years. She has made so many friends and so have I through this wonderful preschool journey. We are so happy with the preschool that we chose. They have the most amazing teachers...who truly care about, encourage, get silly with, cuddle with and teach our children. I will miss them all next year, but Reese will be going come fall of 2012, they can't keep the Stanley's away forever!

So excited for her big night!

Julia, Jayden and Kayla (school friends and PEPS friends)

Alex and Julia. Julia LOVES to hang with the boys at school.

Kayla and Julia

Miss Wendy and Miss Kristen's graduating students

Performance (Julia is the second from the end)

Cake and juice afterwards to watch the slide show

Reese loves juice!

Dance party

Did not get a picture of it but 30 seconds later one of the curtains and the picture in the background were on the floor! Little rascals (it was mainly the younger siblings causing the "trouble").

So proud of my girl! The teachers said something nice about each graduating student. I could not be more proud of what they had to say about Julia.

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

Julia looks so much like Jim in that first picture. I can't believe she is already on her way to K. You are lucky that you don't have full day K like in our school district. I am going to be a mess when H goes to school.