Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Julia has been doing swimming lessons for quite some time now but we just started Reese. She is LOVING it! And Jim was kind enough to get in the water as I had no desire to get in a swimsuit in front of all those people two nights a week. I am much better on towel and clothes duty at the pool ;-). Julia is swimming the width of the pool and back all on her own. We are so proud of how far she has come. She did not even skip a beat taking time off for her fractured toe. This session she is the only one in her class so she is getting a private lesson for a fraction of the cost, can't beat that!

Daddy always has a silly face to show off for the camera

Practicing the back float

Reach and Pulls

So happy!

Julia making her way across the pool

Off she goes

Getting ready to "dive"

Off she goes....could not get a picture of it but her dive is a belly flop :-)

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