Monday, March 8, 2010

Let's Party

Julia's, oops I mean Reese's, party was a hit! One would have thought it was Julia's since she was SO excited for it, talked about it everyday, most of her friends were there and she got to open all the presents! Reese did great at Kidz Bounce, loved her first cake ever and overall was just as cute as could be at her party! Below are some pic's of the party, I did a horrible job of taking pictures of everyone, I missed half the people at the party! I guess I was a little busy! Thank you everyone who was able to make it and make this a very special day for us.

Julia helping make the butterfly cake, caught red handed in the candy bowl!

Reese loved bouncing and crawling!

Jenny, Opa and Shannon

Kristina, Jason and Dawn

Pederson Family (Mark, Melissa and Lauren)

Ellie and Shannon

Stuenkel Family (Ashley, Louisa, Will and baby William)

Proud Daddy and his girls


Best story: Wyatt snuck into the party next door and helped himself to their cake before mama caught him!

Singing Happy Birthday..........

Loves cake! Kept signing "more"
And that's a wrap!

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

So cute. I love the story about Wyatt