Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reese's Birthday

Reese's actual birthday was a pretty normal day, with a few fun things happening. We took Julia to preschool as normal and then Reese and I ran errands, sorry Reese! When we got home from preschool Nana came over and helped up celebrate the big day with presents and cupcakes. After Reese's nap we went to PEPS (moms group) and she got to play with her buddies. Then the four of us went to Red Robin for dinner, came home and opened presents from mom and dad. A fun day and Reese was smiling the whole way through!!!!

Cupcakes from Nana

Make a Wish

Dinner at the Bird

Watching them sing

Opening presents

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

Your girls are so cute!!!