Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Snow day(s)!!!!!

Last week we got about 11 inches of snow! The only downside to that is Jim still had to go to work leaving me to take both kids sledding by myself. Sounds easy enough, right? No way! The big hill is about 1/3 mile away; which of course I had to pull both kids on the sled to. Trying to pull 75 pounds through 11 inches of snow is no easy task (keep in mind Julia kept letting her feet drag on the ground thus creating more resistance). Then we get to the hill and Julia needed help getting up it each time after she went down the hill; while all this time Reese is now crying and screaming "home" as she is freezing cold! I promise Reese we will go home after a few more runs. I did not get them all geared up and trek that far to go home right away. I was going to stick it out and damn it we were going to have fun sledding ;-)! Finally get back home after pulling both kids again back in the 11 inches of snow...phew I was tired! Jim came home a bit early that day also, so in the late afternoon it was much easier with one extra adult. I was going to stay back home with Reese since she hated it so much that morning, but oh no, that was all forgotten and she wanted to go back out. At least this time I put her on my back in the ergo and Jim (and Lucy, see below) pulled Julia. Reese and I made it to the sledding hill and she told me she wanted to go home. Ugh! At least Jim was there and he a Julia had a blast!

for some reason Julia really wanted her picture with this chunk of ice

Round 2, no pictures were taken on round 1

Our sled dog, worked for a bit! Then not so much

Ready for the big run

Let 'er rip

going fast down the hill

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

I didn't manage to make it out in 5" of snow with 1 kid, so your trip is admirable!