Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Sunday

Easter morning was spent with an Easter Egg Hunt at our house and then we headed over to my dad and Nancy's around 11:30 for another hunt and lunch. The girls had a blast finding eggs and spending time with their cousins!

Julia left a note and carrots for the Easter Bunny

Reese finding eggs

Julia loading her basket....

Reese really was happy, weird face (and hair) for the camera!

They liked the crackers that the Easter Bunny left best of all!

"Little" Kid egg hunt at Nana and Opas (Reese was NOT happy in the rain)

Brady and Julia

Reese finding her fare share

The big kids turn to find eggs


Mya, Ellie and Julia

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

Julia looks more and more like you every day. And I love Reese's crazy hair!